
Key Technologies for Safe Drilling in Horizontal Section of Deep Coal and Rock Gas Horizontal Well in the Ordos Basin

  • 摘要: 鄂尔多斯盆地东部气田深层煤岩气水平井目的层本溪组8#煤层埋藏深,非均质性强,钻井过程中存在机械钻速低、井壁易失稳垮塌、井下故障复杂频发、水平段延伸难度大、完井套管下入困难等技术难点。为此,在分析本溪组8#煤岩地层特征和钻井技术难点的基础上,进行了倒划眼高效PDC钻头及提速工具优选、无稳定器防卡导向钻具组合优化、水平段精细导向轨迹控制技术、旋转下套管技术及微纳米强抑制高效水基钻井液技术研究,形成了鄂尔多斯盆地深层煤岩气水平井水平段安全钻井关键技术。该技术在鄂尔多斯盆地东部气田绥德−米脂区块10口深层煤岩气水平井进行了应用,应用井在水平段钻进过程中未发生井壁失稳等井下故障,顺利钻至设计完钻井深,套管顺利下至设计位置,平均机械钻速9.00 m/h,较未应用该技术邻井NL1H井提高了48.51%。现场应用表明,鄂尔多斯盆地深层煤岩气水平井水平段安全钻井关键技术可以克服该盆地东部气田深层煤岩气水平井水平段钻进过程中的技术难点,提高水平段机械钻速及媒岩储层的钻遇率,为该盆地深层媒岩气的开发提供技术支撑。


    Abstract: The target layer of the deep coal rock gas horizontal well in the eastern gas field of the Ordos Basin is the 8# coal seam of the Benxi Formation, which is deeply buried and has strong heterogeneity. During the drilling process, when encountering coal gangue and carbonaceous mudstone interlayers, it faces technical difficulties such as low ROP, easy instability and collapse of the wellbore, complex and frequent underground faults, difficulty in extending the horizontal section, and difficulty in running the completion casing. Therefore, on the basis of analyzing the characteristics of drilling benxi formation 8# coal-rock stratum and drilling technical difficulties, The optimization of high-efficiency PDC bit and speed-up tool for reverse reaming, optimization of steering drilling tool assembly without sticking prevention, fine steering trajectory control technology for horizontal section, rotary casing running technology and micro-nano strong inhibition of high-efficiency water-based drilling fluid system technology were carried out, and the safe drilling technology for deep coal gas horizontal section in eastern basin was formed. This technology was applied to 10 deep coal gas horizontal wells in Suide-Mizhi block of eastern basin gas field, with an average completion depth of 4231 m. The average drilling period is 77.29 d, the average horizontal section length is 1344 m, the average drilling period of horizontal section is 11.67 d, the average ROP of horizontal section is 9.0 m/h, the average coal and rock reservoir is 1 192 m, and the average reservoir drilling rate is 88.68%, among which the horizontal section length of well S47-62YH4 is 2 222 m, which creates the longest horizontal well of coal and rock gas in the deep layer of 8# coal bed reservoir in Benxi formation, Ordos Basin. The successful application of safe drilling technology in deep coal-gas horizontal section of gas field in eastern basin provides technical support for safe and rapid drilling and large-scale and efficient development of deep coal-gas horizontal wells in this block.


