黄哲. 探管式智能钻头参数测量装置研制与现场试验[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024,52(4):34-43. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024004
引用本文: 黄哲. 探管式智能钻头参数测量装置研制与现场试验[J]. 石油钻探技术,2024,52(4):34-43. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024004
HUANG Zhe. Development and field test of probe-type intelligent bit parameter measurement device [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2024, 52(4):34-43. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024004
Citation: HUANG Zhe. Development and field test of probe-type intelligent bit parameter measurement device [J]. Petroleum Drilling Techniques, 2024, 52(4):34-43. DOI: 10.11911/syztjs.2024004


Development and Field Test of Probe-Type Intelligent Bit Parameter Measurement Device

  • 摘要: 现有螺杆上游的测量装置无法获得钻头位置处的真实数据,智能钻井在决策控制层面存在严重的数据偏见与不可预测的实施风险。为此,研制了一种探管式智能钻头参数测量装置,可以安装在钻头内部,在不改变现有钻具组合与施工工艺的前提下直接采集钻头处的真实数据;硬件结构仿真优化结果表明,30 L/s排量与80 MPa环空压力下,理论水力压耗小于0.1 MPa、安全系数为3.06。同时,基于六面法与ARMA+移动Kalman滤波,实现了该装置的误差标定与降噪。该装置在胜利工区现场试验9井次,配套井下工程参数测量短节进行了装置功能验证与井下数据对比,融合综合录井数据进行了试验井提速分析与参数优化决策。试验结果表明,探管式智能钻头参数测量装置能够获取钻头位置处的真实数据,能够为针对性提速提效分析与钻井参数优化提供可靠依据。


    Abstract: The existing measuring device installed on the upside of current PDM motor fails to get the real data at the bit position, and the intelligent drilling suffers from serious data biases and unpredictable implementation risks at decision-making and control level. Therefore, a probe-type intelligent bit parameter measurement device was developed, which could be installed inside the bit and collect the real data of the bit without any change on the existing bottom hole assembly (BHA) and operating process. The hardware structure simulation optimization of the device was performed, and the theoretical hydraulic pressure loss was less than 0.1 MPa with a safety factor of 3.06 under the displacement of 30 L/s and annular pressure of 80 MPa. The error calibration and noise reduction of this device were achieved by six-sided method measurement together with auto regressive moving average (ARMA) model and moving Kalman filter. Field trials of the device have been conducted in 9 wells in Shengli Oilfield. The function of the device was verified, and the downhole data was compared based on the downhole engineering parameter measurement sub. The speed-up analysis and parameter optimization of the pilot wells were carried out through integrating the comprehensive logging data. The test results show that the probe-type intelligent bit parameter measurement device can collect the real data of the bit position, which can provide a reliable basis for the speed-up and efficiency improvement analysis and drilling parameter optimization.


