
A New Method in Staged Fracturing Design Optimization for Shale Gas Horizontal Wells

  • 摘要: 针对页岩气水平井分段压裂形成的复杂性裂缝量化表征困难、压裂优化设计方法不成熟的问题,对已有裂缝复杂性指数表征方法做了进一步深化,考虑各分支裂缝沿主水力裂缝方向的分布密度及其相互间渗流干扰波及面积,提出了新的裂缝复杂性指数表达式,使其不仅仅是一个范围,而是一个具体数值。围绕最大限度提高裂缝复杂性指数的压裂优化设计目标,从配套施工参数的优化与控制、最终预期产量的预测等方面入手,给出了针对水平层理缝/纹理缝发育储层、高角度天然裂缝发育储层的压裂优化设计方法及流程,并提出了天然裂缝分布密度及延伸缝长的定量描述方法。该压裂优化设计新方法在涪陵焦石坝某井进行了试验,其无阻流量比邻井约高26%,证明该新方法能有效提高页岩气水平井分段压裂的效果,对页岩气的经济有效开发具有重要意义。


    Abstract: It is very difficult to quantitatively characterize fracture complexity index for multiple hydraulic fracturing in shale gas horizontal wells,and there is no method available at present on how to optimize fracturing design nowadays.Therefore,fracture complexity index characteristic is further analyzed while the distribution density of branch fractures and seepage flow interference overlap area between them along the main hydraulic fracture are taken into consideration.New fracture complexity index is not a range but a specific value.So the object of fracturing design is to maximize fracture complexity index through optimization and control fracturing treatment parameters,predicting post-fracturing performance and effective period,etc.Based on the systematic works,a new multiple fracturing design method and workflow were established under the condition of horizontal stratification and/or texture fissures.In addition,it is a quantitatively descriptive method of distribution density and length of each natural fractures.This new method was verified in a horizontal shale gas well in Jiaoshiba area and the averaged open-flow capacity rate is 26% greater than none-treated well.The new fracturing design method can improve post-fracturing performance to a great extent and so that it has a great significance in the exploration and development of shale gas in China in the future.


